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CP FP7A, FP9A : 1400-1434











The CP 1400 series consisted of GMD FP7A and FP9A units, which were built between 1951 and 1954. The FP7A units were rated 1,500 Hp, and the FP9As at 1,750 Hp; They all had a 16 cylinder 567 2-cycle engine. Units #1400-1404 and #1416-1434 were renumbered in 1954 and 1955 from the 4000 series. Units #1419-1434 were later renumbered back to their original numbers. #1401, 1408, 1415 and 1417 were wrecked between 1965 and 1978. The remaining units in the #1400-1418 group and #1432 were sold to VIA Rail in 1978.



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